March 25, 2025
Keno Way Tickets

Mastering Keno Way Tickets: A Guide to Playing Multiple Bets Simultaneously

Keno “Way tickets” basically show several bets which are made by combining a given set of numbers in all possible ways.

Keno is a popular lottery-style casino game that offers various ways to play and potentially win big. One such method is by using “way tickets,” which allow players to place multiple bets at once by combining a given set of numbers in all possible ways. Though way tickets are more complex than straight tickets, they offer a unique and exciting gaming experience for those looking to up the ante. In this article, we will provide a guide to understanding and playing keno way tickets, using an example to illustrate the concept.

Keno Way Tickets: An Overview

Way tickets in keno are a convenient method for playing several bets simultaneously. By combining a set of chosen numbers in all possible ways, players can create multiple bets on a single ticket. This method increases the complexity of the game, adding an extra layer of excitement for experienced keno players.

Example: Playing with Keno Way Tickets

To better understand how keno way tickets work, let’s use an example. Suppose you choose five pairs of numbers and circle each of these pairs on your ticket. Your goal is to bet on every possible 6-spot combination that can be formed using your chosen pairs.

In this case, there are ten possible ways to form 6-spot combinations out of your five pairs. By marking the way ticket accordingly, you can bet on all ten combinations simultaneously. This increases your chances of winning, as you have multiple bets in play during the draw.

How to Play Keno Way Tickets

To play keno using way tickets, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a set of numbers and group them into pairs or other combinations.
  2. Circle or mark each group on your ticket to indicate the separate combinations.
  3. Determine how many possible combinations can be formed using your chosen groups.
  4. Mark the way ticket to reflect the desired combinations and bets.
  5. Pay for your ticket and wait for the draw.

Keep in mind that way tickets are more complex than straight tickets, and it may take some practice to become familiar with the process of forming and betting on various combinations.

Keno Way Tickets Guide

They are really just a convenient method of playing several bets at the same time. Way Tickets are more complex to complete then straight tickets. Here’s an example:

Say you pick 5 pairs of numbers. You circle each of these pairs. What you want to do is bet on every possible 6-spot that can be formed by combining your chosen pairs. There are 10 possible ways to form 6-spots out of your 5 pairs.

Example 1 of Keno Way Tickets:

You decide to place $1. That’s $10 in total. So, you write on the ticket:

keno way ticket

Example 2 of Keno Way Tickets:

Alternatively you might also want to play the 10-spot that would be formed by using all your 5 pairs. That ticket would be marked:
keno way ticket

So there you have it, Keno way tickets. If you need any more guides, browse our site for the best Keno guides and more general Keno information and Keno news.


Keno way tickets offer an exciting and challenging alternative to traditional straight tickets, allowing players to place multiple bets at once by combining their chosen numbers in all possible ways. Though more complex than straight tickets, way tickets provide a unique gaming experience for experienced keno players looking for added excitement and increased chances of winning. By mastering the art of keno way tickets, players can enjoy a more dynamic and engaging casino game.

Keno Lounge at a Casino

Keno at Casino

Keno is regarded as the oldest game in any casino. It was firstly played more than 2000 years ago in ancient china. Find out more about Keno at casinos below!

The game Keno was invented around 200B.C. by Cheung Leung a Chinese leader. Cheung Leung was a leader of Chinese army for many years. Once he stumbled upon trouble as his army running out of the funds and supplies. The residents of China refused to pay any sort of taxes related to war efforts.

To over come the trouble Cheung Leung started thinking a different idea about gaining money. As a result of which the keno game started. In this game people have to bet on different character of Chinese alphabets and will win if their alphabet were randomly drawn. With the help of the game Leung able to get enough money and he saved the government and the city from ruin.

Modernization of Keno

In the mid 19th century when some Chinese immigrants came to America to work on the railways, they spread keno as Chinese lottery and there are some Americans who show interest on it and keno become a popular game among the Americans.

Despite of the anti gambling laws it remained there because of the Chinese-Americans community, they kept it alive. Keno is just like lottery and also bears the same rules.

More Numbers in Keno = Fewer Odds

  • If one number is played by you, the keno odds for that one number get drawn are 3 to 1.
  • For two numbers the odds are 16 to 1.
  • For getting five numbers the odds are 1,550 to 1.
  • With ten numbers the odds are 8.9 million to 1.
  • Even you can draw 400 million to 1 if your odds are getting 15 numbers.

Online gambling casinos have developed different methods to place online keno bets. These are the betting ways which makes the game more interestingly. Different online keno bets grant different option of betting a smaller amount.

There are different types of keno bets available there. These are

Straight Keno bet

In this betting option you can pick the individual keno number which you want to play, and find out if different number are placed out and rolled. There are chances of playing 15 numbers in a single game, when there is 20 winning number are drawn.

Keno Way bets

It is an online casino keno bets on grouped number, if you bet on 8 numbers there is possibility of grouping it into 4 sets. Each set with two numbers. Although it seems some sort of difficulty but once you practice it is also as easy as general keno rules.

Online casino combination way bets

In this keno option you can make pairs on 2,3- 5,6 and 20,21 we can link the pars with first to second and third and this way we will get a combination of three bets in 4 number. This online keno bet is known as three way four spot keno bet.

Keno Gambling Guide

Exploring Keno Gambling Options in the Casino: Live Keno vs. Video Keno

Keno is a popular and entertaining lottery-style casino game that attracts players of all skill levels. When visiting a casino, keno enthusiasts will typically find two primary options for playing the game: live keno and video keno. Each option offers a unique gaming experience, catering to different preferences and styles. In this article, we will provide an overview of both live and video keno, highlighting the differences and advantages of each gambling option. In a casino you have two options if you fancy a game of keno:

Live Keno: The Social Experience

Live keno is a multiplayer game that takes place in a special area of the casino known as the Keno Lounge. This area is dedicated to the live draw, where players can purchase tickets and place bets on the same draw. As the game progresses, any number of participants could potentially win.

In live keno, players watch the numbers being drawn on a screen visible to everyone in the lounge. This creates a social and interactive atmosphere as players eagerly anticipate the results of the draw. The communal aspect of live keno makes it an appealing choice for those who enjoy a more social gaming experience and the thrill of competing against others.

Video Keno: The Solo Adventure

For players who prefer a more solitary and personalized gaming experience, video keno is an excellent alternative. Video keno is played on a single-player, computerized machine with a video screen. To place a bet, players insert coins or casino chips into the machine and complete their ticket directly on the screen.

The draw takes place on the video screen, and the machine automatically pays out any winnings. Video keno allows players to control the pace of the game, making it an ideal choice for those who prefer a more private and focused gambling experience.

Comparing Live Keno and Video Keno

While both live and video keno offer unique and enjoyable gaming experiences, the choice between the two options ultimately depends on individual preferences. Live keno is an excellent choice for players who enjoy the social aspect of gambling and the excitement of competing against others. On the other hand, video keno caters to those who prefer a more private and personalized gaming experience, where they can control the pace of the game.

Keno players in a casino have the opportunity to choose between two exciting gambling options: live keno and video keno. Each option caters to different preferences, offering unique gaming experiences. Whether you prefer the social atmosphere of live keno or the focused gameplay of video keno, both options provide a fun and engaging way to try your luck at this popular casino game.

Casino Keno Gambling

Casino Keno Gambling

Keno has become one of the most popular casino games because it is very easy to learn how to play, it delivers a more relaxed, sociable and uncompetitive form of gambling than many casino games and not least, it offers the chance of very big jackpots for small stakes!!

Placing a keno bet in a casino

  • Take a blank Keno card from one of the supplies around the casino. Guess which numbers are going to come up when the draw is made and mark your numbers on the card. It’s up to you how many numbers you want to pick, it doesn’t affect the cost of your bet. You can usually choose up to a maximum of 15 numbers.
  • Decide how much you want to bet. Usually there’s a minimum of $1. The more you bet, the more you win if your numbers come up. A $2 stake wins twice as much as $1, $3 wins three times as much and so on.
  • In many casinos, “multi-race” Keno is featured, where you can play a number of consecutive Keno races at one time. In this case, decide how many consecutive games (ie draws) you want to play with this set of numbers.
  • Place your bet by taking your card to the ‘dealer’ or ‘writer’ at the Keno terminal and handing over your money. Or you could make use of a Keno ‘runner’. These are staff that wander around all parts of the casino with supplies of blank Keno cards and will go to the terminal on your behalf to get your ticket, and collect your winnings.
  • Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help in filling in your ticket or understanding the house special games. The staff are used to it. The casino staff can also help you check your ticket once the draw has been made. (Note: they’ll expect a tip – especially if you have a good win!)
  • You will then be issued a ticket detailing your selections and which games you are playing. You should check that this ticket does match what you wrote down, as the casino won’t take responsibility for any mistakes.
  • Wait for the numbers to be drawn – usually every 10 minutes or so in a casino. They will appear on the Keno screen.
  • If you win, cash in your ticket by taking it to the terminal before the next game starts.
  • If you’re playing several consecutive games on the same ticket (‘Multi-race’ Keno) you don’t need to cash in your winnings until the end of your last game.
  • If you want to use the same set of numbers for another game just hand the ticket back to the clerk or runner and say you want to play them again. They’ll give you a new ticket with the same numbers.

Special Keno Tickets

For the practised player there are complicated variations when it comes to selecting and writing down your numbers. But all of them are really just ways of betting on more than one set of numbers on the same ticket. The aim remains the same for each set of numbers – if enough of them are drawn out, you win.

Casinos will also offer their own house specials, including Jackpot draws and tickets featuring specific rules and payout schedules. Information about these will be displayed in the casino.

Video Keno

In a casino you’ll probably also find Video Keno machines.

Keno King Tickets

Mastering Keno King Tickets: Tips for Utilizing King Numbers

Some tips about the special keno tickets known as ‘King Tickets’

Keno offers a variety of ticket options for players seeking to diversify their gaming experience, one of which is the special ‘King Ticket.’ This type of keno ticket involves selecting a single number, known as the “king number,” amongst your other number selections. The king number can be used on its own or in combination with other groups or king numbers. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to effectively use keno king tickets to enhance your gameplay.

Tips for Playing Keno King Tickets

  1. Choose your king number wisely: When selecting your king number, consider picking a number that has shown up frequently in previous draws or a number that holds personal significance for you. This can make the game more enjoyable and engaging.
  2. Combine king numbers with other groups: To increase your chances of winning, consider combining your king number with other groups of numbers on your ticket. This creates multiple bets and provides more opportunities for your king number to be part of a winning combination.
  3. Experiment with multiple king numbers: You can also choose to play with multiple king numbers on a single ticket. This increases the complexity of the game and can lead to potentially higher winnings if multiple king numbers are drawn.
  4. Mark your king numbers clearly: To avoid confusion when marking your king ticket, use a unique symbol or color to distinguish your king numbers from your other selections. This will ensure that your king numbers are easily identifiable and properly counted during the draw.
  5. Manage your bankroll: Playing with king tickets can involve multiple bets, which may result in higher costs. Make sure to set a budget and stick to it to ensure you have enough funds to participate in multiple games and increase your chances of winning.

A keno King Ticket is one where you have chosen to mark a single spot (number) amongst your selections. That number is sometimes called a “king number”. It’s basically a group-of-one.

It may be used on its own or in combination with other groups or even other king numbers.

Similar to Normal Keno Tickets

King tickets are marked similarly to normal keno way tickets and split tickets with the number of combinations played and the amount wagered per group displayed on the right hand side of the keno ticket.

For example, say you have a way ticket in which you have marked one king number and 3 pairs of numbers:

  • 1+2
  • 3+4
  • 5+6
  • 7

And you’ve decided to play the king number on its own, and also in combination with each of the pairs. This means you would have 4 ‘ways’:

  • 1+2+7
  • 3+4+7
  • 5+6+7
  • 7

Assuming you’ve decided to bet $1 per way, you would need to write this on your ticket:

$4 ; 3/3 ;  1/1;  $1 

This means: $4 total bet,  3 sets of 3-spots,  1 1-spot,  $1 per way.


Keno king tickets offer an exciting way for players to diversify their gameplay and increase their chances of winning. By selecting a single king number or multiple king numbers and combining them with other groups of numbers, players can create various bets and potential winning combinations. By following these tips and understanding how to use king tickets effectively, players can enhance their keno experience and potentially walk away with significant winnings.