March 28, 2025
Playing Rules of Keno

Rules of Keno

How to play keno – Keno Rules to Know before Playing Online Keno

There are three sets of rules governing a game of keno:

  • The rules of the game of keno itself – that is, how it is played.
  • The House Rules set by the casino – covering such issues as maximum payouts, deadlines for placing a bet before the draw, and for claiming your winnings.
  • Rules set by any external governing bodies – such as national gambling laws), which cover issues such as age limits, and the type of premises where it can be played. The casino you’re playing in is obliged to ensure certain of these rules are adhered to. But some of them may be your responsibility – such as the obligation to report large wins to your taxation authorities.

Rules of the Game of Keno

The game of Keno itself is very simple:

  • In each Keno game, 20 numbers are drawn from a pool of 80.
  • The object of the game is for the player to guess what some of those numbers will be.
  • You indicate your choices before the draw begins by completion of a ‘keno ticket’.
  • You place your bet by submitting and paying for the ticket.
  • After the draw you receive winnings according to how many numbers you guessed correctly.

Filling out Your Ticket

To fill out a basic (straight) keno ticket all you do is:

  • Mark one or more numbers on the blank ticket, usually up to a maximum of 15
  • Indicate how many consecutive games you wish to play with those numbers
  • Write the amount you would like to bet on each game
  • Present your ticket to the Keno desk and pay for your ticket

You can generally play as many tickets as you wish on any one draw. In a few minutes, twenty numbered Keno balls will be drawn, and if enough of your selected numbers are drawn, you are a winner. There are various more complicated ways you can complete a ticket, but they’re not necessary.

House rules for Keno

The basics of the game are the same regardless of where you play it, but the payouts and guidelines can vary from casino to casino. And individual casinos can offer their own special games with their own rules. It is recommended that you stop by a Keno counter and pick up a free booklet outlining the house rules and payouts to get you ready to play keno.